That's life at work.
Someone dumps you a load of shit, expects you to clean it, and worse still, wants you to clear it FAST! You will be the point of focus if you can't rush to clean the shit. You will be the focus of condemnation if you can't clean it in time. You will be sentenced to death if you can't settle it by deadline.
But's shit in the first place. I can't use my hand. I need a fine needle to slowly 'thread my way' to see if I can dig out some 'gold'. If I can, congrats to you. If I can't, I can't! You can kill me.
And I really wonder why people must throw the shits to me to clear. Just because they are worried about dirtying their hands? And I have to be the scapegoat to be hanged if the shit spills, or the 'terracotta warriors' to be buried with Emperor Qin?
17 Mar 2009 (9.43pm)
Food waste contributes to green house gas emissions
4 months ago
I must saluate u on all the postings abt work. I too face similar situations at work and it seems to be getting frm bad to worse.. why, simply becos now the slogan is Be thankful that U still hv a job! Sometimes i wonder, would i be better off "kill" and take a step back to smell the flowers? I know eventually, we still hv to work to live but again, is this life what i want?
That's really not what I want, at least. Well, guess everywhere is the same. Just whether you hv a group of supporting colleagues to stand by you, etc. That makes a great diff to your work environment. The kia-si will find you to si with them. Bo pian!
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