Saturday, October 31, 2009

What a cooling day

I think the rainy season has started. The rain started yesterday evening and ended this morning (with strong wind even in the middle of the night). Then sunshine for a couple of hours and the rain started again this evening.

Wow, what a day to sleep in. But I was in and out of house today, from morning walk, to lunch (and met Irene and family by chance, hehehe), to searching for hammie cages, to buying dinner. My legs are very tired and I am very tired now. :) But it was and still is a great day.

Wish weekend is much much longer.


Stop sending me cheques!

I have been receiving cheques sent by banks issued to my name for a couple of thousands. dollars each time. Ha, dream on if you think it's a cheque issued to me for nothing!

It's actually the credit line which the banks are trying to 'entice' customers to use. That essentially means you are drawing the bank's money to use, and that means you are 'borrowing' from the bank, and that means you have to return the money, AND that means you have to pay an interest for the money!

There is no free lunch. That is understood.

What I can't stand is that they have to use this tactic to draw customers' attention or use of this service. I consider these junk mails. It confuses me whenever I receive these because I need to think for a while if these are a real cheque paid to me by some insurance companies, etc, or it's one of those rubbish. One of these days, I may end up tearing the real cheques!

If I am going to receive one again, I swear I am going to write a letter or email to the bank to warn them to stop sending me. Else, I have no qualms about cancelling the credit cards facilities if I have to!

So stop sending me these junks!


Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Life's little lesson - from the bus stop

I was waiting for bus at this bus-stop when I raised my head and saw the above image.
Something crossed my mind at that moment.
It seems to be telling me something. What is it?
If you build your foundation right and can stand firmly on your own, there is no need to worry about your existence in the society. You will have your place and will not be 'disposed' off easily.
Look at the tree in the picture. It's so deeply rooted and even the construction of the bus stop did not threaten the tree's existence. The bus shelter even had to be sawed off partially to accommodate the tree.

For useful confidential or useless confidential

I first saw the words ON this box that says "Strictly for Confidential Documents" just inside a blood test room.

My sleepy mind was processing these words over and over, thinking "wow now there is a box to segregate confidential mails from normal mails for despatch to drop in. Subconsciously, I kept thinking "no, I must be missing something".

Hahaha, and when I walked further into the room, I saw the words in front of the box which says "Sembenviro", I then woke up "Oh, this is a box to discard confidential documents!".

Tsk Tsk Tsk, I kept reminding myself to be very careful if such box ever appears in my workplace! It's meant for the disposal of confidential documents, not delivery of these documents!

Watch it!


Sunday, October 25, 2009

有关向天果(Sky Fruits)

9月27日,我写了一小篇有关我第一次去捡一重叫向天果的果子。在我们的街道上还真可以找到很多这种树。从网络上获知这种果的英文名称是Sky Fruit















Saturday, October 24, 2009








Friday, October 23, 2009



最近也开始在想着是否应该让自己放个假,让自己enjoy一下,要到哪里,能放多少天假,要花多少钱,等等。虽然还没想出个所以然,但心里老想着要再上一趟游轮,Star Virgo。

Radio100.3听到他们与大通旅游所主办,由DJ安娜带团的亚热带 Ti Amo 游轮风情8日游”。由于即将在11月28日出发,最近的广告更是频密,而我听得更是。。。口水直流!每当DJ,尤其是安娜在介绍这个配套和行程时,我总是不由自主的‘飘’到游轮上了!真的好想去啊,但要拿出8天,我真的不敢想向回到工作时,回有什么‘大祸大灾’。可能是自己想太多,但这就是我。或可能潜意识告诉我,这不是时候吧。

这“亚热带 Ti Amo 游轮风情8日游”是乘坐
Costa Classica的游轮。行程包括胡志明市,三亚市和香港,再由香港乘飞机回返新加坡。每人$1,348起,这包括陆游与飞机票。太诱惑人了!





今天自由活动。琳琅满目的娱乐节目就在船上热烈展开,剧场百老汇歌舞秀,钢琴酒吧乐声悠扬,舞池狂欢,赌场试手气,还有手工艺、烹饪、语言学习等各种趣味课程、游戏,带给您豪华欢乐的海上生活。 (早餐 / 午餐 / 晚餐)

第3天:胡志明市 (越南)

今天抵达越南最大的城市 -胡志明市。早餐后,参观前身是美军情报中心的战争博物馆。现在馆内陈列着在越南战争中美军所使用的各类武器。续往法国殖民时期留下的著名的地标-圣母大教堂。参观由19世纪末,由法国建筑师设计的胡志明市中央邮局。午餐后,欣赏越南著名水上木偶表演。之后,前往滨城街市尽情购物。
(早餐 / 越式午餐 / 晚餐)


今天自由活动。邮轮上各式各样的休闲运动设备,更让青春的细胞都动起来! 您一定迫不及待的要跃入游泳池,或在户外甲板跑道,迎著海风慢跑,或前往健身中心享受汗水淋漓的快感,时下最风靡的瑜伽课程,更是女性朋友们热爱的项目,还有网球、篮球、排球、高尔夫、直排轮等,恣意展现您活力与身体律动的欢乐。
(早餐 / 午餐 / 晚餐)

第5天:峴港 (越南)
今天抵达越南最著名的海滩度假胜地 -峴港。早餐后,启程前往在1999年被联合国教科文组织列为《世界遗产》的美山圣地。这是一个包括70多个塔寺的多个塔寺的群体建筑,它是用来供奉占婆国王的各位保护神,所以曾名“圣都”。续往会安古城。保存下来的古建筑、古街道体现了中国、日本和越南文化与建筑风格之间有机的融合。街道的布局、建筑的式样,既展现了中华建筑的古朴和优雅,又融入了当地人的自然审美观和生活情趣。这里既能欣赏到古老的文化传统,又能感受到浓郁的地域气息。 (早餐 / 越式午餐 / 晚餐)

第6天:三亚市 (海南岛)

今早抵达位於海南最南端,被稱為「東方夏威夷」的三亚。早餐后,前往南山文化公园,参观著名的海上观音像。位于南山文化旅游区内,海上观音像高一百零八米,比美国自由女神像还高十四点四米,佛像为三尊手势各异白衣观音像的合一体,已成为展示佛教文化的艺术殿堂,并成为海南乃至中国佛教文化标志性的景观之一。午餐后将有机会观赏“生态茶艺”表演,品尝海南香茶。(早餐 / 海鲜午餐 / 晚餐)


今天自由活动。您何不自费畅游香港迪斯尼乐园,进入趣味进入趣味盎然的奇妙国度,体验天马行空的幻想、超现实的未来世界和新奇刺激的探险游戏或到亮丽的 大型购物商场,本土风味浓厚的露天市场购物。(早餐 / 午餐 / 晚餐)

第8天:香港 – 新加坡

下船后,我们的香港城市观光,包括浅水湾,金紫荆,香港仔渔村,珠宝厂,中草药店。午餐后,告别难忘的旅程,乘搭班机回返美丽的祖国-新加坡。希望您在大通旅游的陪伴下度过美好的欢乐时光。 (早餐 / 点心午餐)

看来,还真的得放弃Costa Classica。或许就回到StarVirgo三天两夜的怀抱吧!


Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Extracts from 陈慧画传 - 怀念我的奶奶

怀念我的奶奶 - 孙子,王晗


Tuesday, October 20, 2009

You are so sweet, Prof Tan!

Some months ago, in March this year, I had written a post to thank Prof Tan Chay Hoon on her curry puff offer. In the post, I was commenting on how little gesture like this can touch a heart and bring warmth to a very 'stressed' person, like me. :)

On a few occasions after the March encounter, we met along the way and had some long and short chitchats. It's always very nice to talk to her. You feel very assured and have that feeling of security. I can't describe it completely but talking to her just make magic! She's like a very kind mentor, sharing with you her little stories and lifting your spirit by the conversation. In any case, she is a psychiatrist.

I 'bumped' into her again this evening while I was running down the stairs from office. She walked up, held my arm and asked me to be careful. She was staring at my shoes (slightly heeled), pointing at them and telling me that such shoes can cause injury if I was not careful.

Again simple words, simple gesture like this brings a smile to anyone! Started a day with a very depressed mood, but ending the day with such encounter....I am truly appreciative.

Thanks again, Prof!


Monday, October 19, 2009

A quote on animals

Life is as dear to a mute creature as it is to man. Just as one wants happiness and fears pain, just as one wants to live and not die, so do other creatures.

- Dalai Lama

Quotes about work

Never continue in a job you don't enjoy. If you're happy in what you're doing, you'll like yourself, you'll have inner peace. And if you have that, along with physical health, you will have had more success than you could possibly have imagined.
- Johnny Carson

Never work just for money or for power. They won't save your soul or help you sleep at night.
- Marian Wright Edelman

Nothing is really work unless you would rather be doing something else.
- James M. Barrie

Mood has gone down again - A day talk

Not that I have been very up, to being with.

The dark clouds has once again 'swallowed' the halo above my head and down comes a dark shadow. The worries are back, the moody feeling is back, the confidence has left me.

Is there really a 'need' or necessity for me to feel this way? Rightfully, no. But what can I do, if I am feeling this way right? I don't know if it is real, or if it is an excuse, but usually the depressed state is triggered by the stresses at work. It is really exhausting and depressing to have to face the tumbling blocks at the workplace EVERY DAY, not knowing when the sun will smile at me again. Though I have a good boss, I strongly think the major obstacle lies in the nature of the environment and the system. Can the problems be solved? Maybe yes, maybe no because I feel it is a complicated system. Even if a few of the problems can be solved, I think we will have to die a few times before we see some improvement. I really have no energy for that already.

I just hope I can persuade myself to lift my spirits a little each day. Give the 'heck everything' attitude. I can do it a few times before the Ah-Q spirit crashes in again. Sigh.

Anyway, I was reading two articles from Sunday Times this morning from two columnists whose articles I find very close to our hearts.

One was from Sumiko Tan who shares her experience in the stock market 'Do I buy, hold or sell?" Her articles are very humorous and light. Would like to extract some paras here.

- "I spend more time contemplating the pros and cons of buying a dress - is it too expensive, would it make me look fat, do I have shoes to go with it, where can I wear it to - than a stock I'm prepared to throw thousands of dollars at."

- "Then there's the matter of patience. I want prices to rise and I want them to rise now. When they don't, I get discouraged and dump the shares. But the minute I sell, the price will rise. Why does this always happen to me? Is there a name for such a phenomenon (other than lousy lock and bad timing?"

- "What I've also learnt over the past year is to never compare your financial lot with that of others. There will always be those who will earn more money than you - whether at work, in the stock market or through property - and there will always be those who will earn far less."

- "The challenge is to stay happy and satisfied with what you have, even if all you made was two hundred dollars from a stock while your friend made two thousand."

The second article I read was by Lee Wei Ling whose article titled 'No bed of roses for me, thank you.'

- "I have always chosen a spartan lifestyle both because it was in accordance with my philosophy in life and also because I felt that it would be difficult to do without luxuries once one had got used to them."

- "While I am not proposing that we adopt the lifestyle of a Hindu or Buddhist ascetic, I think frugality and a simple lifestyle are effective ways to cope, morally and psychologically, with the temptations of the modern consumerist world."

- "Ostentatious mansions disgust me. I watch with disdain sports cars that can accelerate from zero to 100kmh within five seconds. What use is such power and speed on Singapore roads?"

- "I was brought up to be frugal. As children, my brothers and I were chastised if we did not turn off taps completely, or left lights or air-conditioners on when there was no need for them to be."

- "My parents decided not to live at Sri Temasek, the prime minister's official residence, because they didn't want their children to be waited on hand and foot by butlers and servants."

- "As the ancients of various traditions knew, tribulation worketh character."

Reading these two articles had sort of distracted me from my moody feeling for a while and gave me something to laugh at and think about.

Give me the strength and energy to face the week ahead.


Sunday, October 18, 2009

Extracts from 陈慧画传 - 我与陈慧

我与陈慧 - 老伴,王平凡




Extracts from 陈慧画传 - 思念

思念 - 孙女,王森




Extracts from 陈慧画传 - 最后的日子

最后的日子- 儿媳,李俊媛






Saturday, October 17, 2009

Extracts from 陈慧画传




呼唤我至亲至爱的妈妈- 小女儿,王素蓉




Friday, October 16, 2009

A quick snap! has not taken a pic with Uncle Ronald for a long time. While waiting for me yesterday, he had a good chat with him and I told a pic. :p

Just being naughty...Me, I mean.


Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Down with bad throat again!

Been having a bad throat for slightly past a week. Started with a sore throat with my voice going haywire. Then came the cough with started last week. Went to the doctor on Sunday (to another clinic cos my family doctor was not on). By yesterday, my cough didn't get better and was still desperately coughing away day and night.

The two men kept pestering me to see doctor again last night. So off I went. My doctor wasn't in so I saw his locum, a woman doctor who was pretty nice to talk to.

After prescribing the medicine, she asked if I need medical leave for today. I told her no need (cos I was thinking I already had 2 days last week and had loads of work to clear). She looked at me and said: "You still want to go to work like that? You know, if you have a kid, you will need to even quit your job! You need to rest and minimize talking! Your organisation will continue to run without you!" I told her about the 2 days MC I had last week and she asked, "but did you rest then?". I realised I had not because there was a very important task I was following through for last Saturday's meeting.

So the first day of last week's MC, I was at work in the morning and only leaving at noon. Then on the second day, I was literally working at home. I wasn't really resting or sleeping on both days!

She said she was going to give me two days MC to rest. And advised me to rest, have at least 8 hours of sleep every night and need to manage stress at work.

Wow, cool doctor. Her words were so reassuring that I told myself, "Never mind, the co can fire me (though I prefer to leave on my own accord, heehee) but I am going to rest, rest and rest. Heck with the emails.

So, am going to sleep now. zzzzz.....zzzzzzzzzzzz.........


Sunday, October 11, 2009

In Memory of San-gu - 陈慧画传

How time flies. It's been more than a year since San-gu (三姑)passed away in Beijing last August. In memory of her, her family (ie my uncle, cousins, nieces and nephew) has published a book to share her life in Singapore and China.
San-gu was born in Singapore, left for China in the early 50s. She has stayed there since. The first time she set foot in Singapore again was in 1989 to visit her relatives. Thereafter there were a couple of visits. Her last visit to Singapore was in 2005 when she attended my wedding. Our last visit to Beijing before she passed away was in August last year.
The book is split into 3 parts - (1) Her life; (2) Her articles; (3) Articles in memory of her by her comrades, friends and family.
Reading the book allows me to have a greater understanding of San-gu. She was a woman of great perseverance and who stand firm on her principles. She had served the Foreign Affairs in the PRC and retired in the early 80s. Though retired, she was still very much involved in their activities.
To me, she was a very nice and fun aunt. She kept journals. Each time she visited us in Singapore, she would record her activities and thoughts on things that had happened. I remembered she sent in an article to the Lianhe Zaobao in 1989, and subsequently published, after her first visit to Singapore.
Though we were so far apart in terms of distance (between Beijing and Singapore), we were still able to relate to each other with ease each time we met and many times we would also joke with/tease each other. There was 'no distance' when we were together. She was always the 'wise old aunt'.
San-gu will be greatly missed. The book will be a very precious item.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Trying to choose a hamster cage

Since Muah Chee left us, I was thinking when I should get a new hamster. Probably not so soon cos I still miss my little Muah Muah.

Before I get a new hammie, I will start looking for a good cage first. But getting a cage is a mind boggling task!

Should I get a plastic cage or a wire bar cage? Each has its merits and flaws. Plastic is safer since there are no metal bars for the hammie to bite and get poisoned by the rust later on, but to me the ventilation sucks. I visualise myself staying inside the cage and I can't convince myself that I will be able to breathe properly. Wire bar cage, on the other hand will surely have good ventilation but it's the rust on the bar that I am worried about. The staff at Pet Lovers Centre told me that the coating is non-toxic but once the coating is off, the bar may turn rusty and that's where the problem will arise. Am I suppose to decide if the hammie should die from suffocation, or poison? Sigh, tough task.

I am also looking for something big enough for hammie to run and climb. Over the weekend, me and hubby had gone to explore some cages. There are already some disagreements on the kind of cage to buy. To him, it is apparent that we should prevent the hammie from biting the bars so plastic ones would be the best. But to me, I am considering all factors, including the complexity in cleaning the cage.

I guess we have to keep looking for something both of us can accept. I wonder how do I choose a hamster that will not bite cages!

Looks good for the hammie to climb on. But will the hammie bite till its heart content?

Don't this look suffocating to you?

Looks nice to me.

Looks good. But I may end up dead trying to clean.

Same as above. Much more complicated than the above. Better think properly before I get this kind.

God, which one should I buy?


Saturday, October 3, 2009

Happy Mid-Autumn Festival


Today's the Chinese Mid-Autumn Festival.

Yes, today's the day for mooncakes, lanterns, pomelo and mini yams. As for me, there are only mooncakes and one pomelo at home. Had wanted to get the little yams one usually sees only during this period but gotten none so far.

Other than the Teochew mooncakes which Dad bought about 2 weeks ago (and I had posted on this blog then too), we have another set of minis which Cousin Bessie had given us. Very nice packaging, as shown in the photos below:

Nowhere on or in the packaging gave us any clue as to what kind of flavours are there. So we shall eat the mooncakes with some mystery in mind. Yummy.
Thanks Bessie!