Sunday, October 11, 2009

In Memory of San-gu - 陈慧画传

How time flies. It's been more than a year since San-gu (三姑)passed away in Beijing last August. In memory of her, her family (ie my uncle, cousins, nieces and nephew) has published a book to share her life in Singapore and China.
San-gu was born in Singapore, left for China in the early 50s. She has stayed there since. The first time she set foot in Singapore again was in 1989 to visit her relatives. Thereafter there were a couple of visits. Her last visit to Singapore was in 2005 when she attended my wedding. Our last visit to Beijing before she passed away was in August last year.
The book is split into 3 parts - (1) Her life; (2) Her articles; (3) Articles in memory of her by her comrades, friends and family.
Reading the book allows me to have a greater understanding of San-gu. She was a woman of great perseverance and who stand firm on her principles. She had served the Foreign Affairs in the PRC and retired in the early 80s. Though retired, she was still very much involved in their activities.
To me, she was a very nice and fun aunt. She kept journals. Each time she visited us in Singapore, she would record her activities and thoughts on things that had happened. I remembered she sent in an article to the Lianhe Zaobao in 1989, and subsequently published, after her first visit to Singapore.
Though we were so far apart in terms of distance (between Beijing and Singapore), we were still able to relate to each other with ease each time we met and many times we would also joke with/tease each other. There was 'no distance' when we were together. She was always the 'wise old aunt'.
San-gu will be greatly missed. The book will be a very precious item.

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