What's your take?
The general mentality is that promotion is a positive indication and reflection of a staff's performance at his/her job. It brings the staff to the next level in the organisation hierarchy. It comes along with new job responsibilities, demands, authority and decision-making power. It's called climbing up the ladder. It's worth a celebration.
On the other hand, it may be a disaster to someone who may not be ready for the new demands and responsibilities. Pushing a person up the ladder before he/she is ready may have repercussions. It may be a painful and stressful new role. Where he/she is comfortable at the current role, the new role may forced the person into a corner and subsequently out the door. I don't think this is a good scenario to be in.
I wonder if there is ever a time if I am being promoted (whenever in my current workplace or future workplace), which scenario will I be in? Of course that will depend on when the time will come and my capability then. At the moment, I don't think I am ready for anything like that yet. I will be more burdened. I need to convince myself that I can fit into a new role before I can accept it without any reservation. Else, I see myself walking down doom's lane.
So, whoever wants to 'kill' me, then promote me! :)
9 May 2009 (9.58pm)
Food waste contributes to green house gas emissions
4 months ago
my stand is ...promo is a recognition for ur hard work .. but again, promo is very subjective.. but, if got promo no $$ + more work is a sad Story, got promo + $$ + more work, another sad story.. but then, if no promo, no $$ + more work = Tragic life..so .. . .. .U get the drift? hahahahaha
yah yah yah got it. Ideal is...no promo me, no add work, just increase pay right. hee
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