Sunday, January 25, 2009

Christmas Party (A late post)

I know I know, we are coming to Lunar New Year and I am still writing about Christmas. This is something I wanted to post long time ago but have been lazy with the downloading of photos.

My section had our own Christmas party in the office on 23 Dec 2008. The highlight of the party was this roasted de-boned chicken stuffed with wonderful things made by Angeline. Trust me, it's very delicious.

This is it! The yummy deboned chicken. I am really amazed that the chicken is still in one piece and in good shape after being deboned. Doesn't it look tasty?

Starting to cut it. We were all waiting eagerly to taste it.

Coming, coming, we began to see interesting things upon dissecting the roast. The smells was great too. Imagine we were all drooling.

Carefully dissecting while we curious onlookers wondered how long more it would take for us to have the first bite. Quick Quick Quick!

Finally, we got to see the inside. It's mince meat, eggs and I can't remember what else (of course, chicken meat too). Of course the eggs have to be strategically placed so that when you halved the chicken, it's nicely shown. Just like 2 lovely suns on each side.

Serving the star dish. The roast was laced with baby carrots and potatoes.

Here's Angeline with her piece of art. She said that at most she only does this once a year cos it really takes a lot of effort. Guess what, she took half day in the morning just to baked this for us. The baking itself took 2 hours. We were surely lucky to get to taste this dish.

Our other dishes, contributed by different colleagues. Sakae Sushi, courtesy from my boss. Potato salad from Yanfeng. Fruit salad from me. Honey baked ham from Angeline too.

The potato salad is very nice. Yanfeng made this and I have asked her for the method. Am going to do it on second day of Chinese New Year. Only need potatoes, honey baked ham (diced), mayonnaise, bacon bits and a little black pepper.

My fruit salad. This was taught to me by my ex-colleague, Jasmine. The dressing is actually a honey buzz yogurt. I had grapes, green/red apples, a little orange pulps, palm fruit (to replace the nata de coco which I wasn't able to find).

What's Christmas without logcakes? So here's a logcake ordered by Bryan. Heard it's from a very nice bakery (dunno whether it's called Awfully Sinful or Sinfully something...along that line lah).

Our tummies were completely filled and we were trying very hard not to doze off at our desks that afternoon.

25 Jan 2009 (2.33pm)

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