Saturday, December 6, 2008

A relaxing Saturday walk

I realise I have not been to Carrefour for years and thought, hey why not go today with dad. So off we went. The overhead bridge linking Citylink to Suntec City is now replaced with an underpass....and still it is a long walk!

Nice X'mas Tree at Suntec City!

I was trying to capture the 'water fall' but it's not very clear. It's really nice - just like the water is glittering.

At the Koi Garden.

We bought a $2 pack food for the Koi but well, they didn't really seem interested. May be due to two reasons - they have been overfed, or they are too fat to jump at the food, unlike the young ones. Years back when I visited, the Koi were mostly small ones. But today, they are all (I really mean ALL) big and fat!
6 Dec 2008 (8.40pm)

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